Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cheesecake Factory

Vacation over!  We returned home and had one more meal out... Cheesecake Factory.  A quick post, as we are all very tired and had a fabulous fun-filled trip.

Restaurant name: Cheesecake Factory
Food type:  Huh... I don't know!  A bit of everything, I guess!
Category:  Frequent Flyers
Location:  Tukwila, WA
Reason for dining out:  Last stop on a fun vacation
Bonus features:  We were tired, they fed us!
Food ordered:  Southwest chicken soup, corn tamales
Items of inspiration: I could make that soup
Chance of repeat visit: Without a doubt

Cheesecake Factory has been in Southcenter for a while now, but it's still a very special thing to get to go there.  I can't imagine how crazy and chaotic that kitchen is... they have a BOOK for a menu!  The problem is that so many things look good going in, but you end up returning to the same ones over and over and over.  Case in point, the corn tamales.  Everytime I've been, in Las Vegas, in Anaheim, in Bellevue... these always seem to be something I order.  A few years back, when they started posting the nutrition information (BAD idea, by the way), I decided I needed another alternative and often get the ahi tar tare.  So it was a tough decision, but I ultimately decided on the corn tamales because I was beat and they sounded best.  And they were DELISH as always!

The soup was a surprise... hadn't heard of it before.  Spicy shredded chicken in a tomato based vegetable soup, garnished with tortilla strips, cheese, cilantro (NOOOO.... Not cilantro!!!!  Sorry.... inside joke for The Critic there), sour cream... and they pour it over white rice.  It was REALLY tasty and flavorful.  The Little Guy easily ate half of it, and The Critic snuck in several bites as well.  Which family did The Big Guy come from, anyway??? He wouldn't look at it...

So a very tasty dinner and a good end to our vacation.  And for the record, The Critic and I love cilantro.

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