Saturday, July 9, 2011

Snoqualmie... Pizza??

Found a cool new (to us) area of Snoqualmie while on our anniversary get away weekend.  Fun spot to have lunch... just The Critic and I.

Restaurant name: Uncle Si's Pizza
Food type:  Italian... if you had to ask
Category:  First Timers!
Location:  Snoqualmie, WA
Reason for dining out:  Lunch spot on a weekend away, just the two of us
Bonus features:  Diet coke!  Also a new area we have literally never seen before.
Food ordered: Ciao (Alfredo sauce, caramelized onions, spinach, Gorgonzola, mozzarella, garlic, walnuts)
Items of inspiration: There was a sandwich called "The Mountaineer" that I originally thought was a pizza and was super excited about.. so since it was a sandwich, I think I'll try and turn it into a pizza sometime on my own. It had garlic chicken, Canadian bacon, feta, mozzarella, roasted red peppers, sundried tomatoes, and Italian dressing (I would likely use balsamic too)
Chance of repeat visit: Probably... would make a neat spot to eat on the way home from rock climbing at Exit 38 with The Guys.

We enjoy trying to find fun pizza spots you can dine in at.  Romio's tops our list.  Close 2nd is The Rock.  Both are really close, but the hope was maybe this would be a runner up, even though it's no where near us.  The menu looked intriguing and they had lots of creative pizzas without being completely out there.  They drew us in with their promise of a $6 lunch.  They DO have that, but it's not the good pizzas.  Just a small cheese, pepperoni, or Hawaiian.  So, um, yeah.  Didn't go for that this time.  But the good news was that we could split a medium sized pizza with two specialty pizzas.  A good thing, too, since The Critic's pizzas need to have red sauce, all the meat you can grunt at, and mushrooms and olives.  Mushrooms and olives are the two things I really can't stand to eat.  And I like my pizzas to be what the critic calls "Girly pizza" meaning it has such atrocities as leafy greens and smelly cheese.  Usually I lose and The Critic loses out on the mushroom/olive yuck.  So this time, we were both winners!  Although I will say that a split pizza with black olives and mushrooms always and I mean ALWAYS ends up with mushrooms and olives on the wrong slices.  Always.  Today was no exception.

That said, the pizza was good.  Not blow your mind incredible, but good.  I ate two of my girly slices with chicken and gorgozonla and spinach while The Critic enjoyed his meaty mushroomy black olive feast as well.  We left satisfied.  The crust was a bit "crackery" for us, more of a yeasty thing than the hand-tossed crust we love at Romio's.  Bottom line, we will likely go back.  When we are in the neighborhood, at least...

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