Monday, July 18, 2011

Flying Pie Pizzeria

Through a MOMS Club I am in (yes, such a thing exists... such a great group of people, too!) The Guys and I had a chance to do the ultimate kid dream... make their own pizzas!  This is our 2nd (or 3rd?) time participating, but first at the Issaquah location.

Restaurant name: Flying Pie Pizzeria
Food type:  Italian/Pizza
Category: Occasional visitor
Location:  Issaquah, Washington
Reason for dining out:  Activity for the kids
Bonus features:  This trip included a tour and The Guys got to make their own pizzas!
Food ordered:  For me, I got a slice of BBQ chicken pizza which came with a breadstick (I don't know how that was... The Guys ate it) and a side salad. Plus the ever important diet coke.
Items of inspiration: None
Chance of repeat visit:  Probably not... once you've labeled the place as a spot where my boys get to go in back it would be tough to convince them they couldn't.  Also, my pizza crust was super hard.  Salad bar was too small.  There are better pizza places (like Romio's) which are closer.  It also takes them a long time to get organized and going... our tour began 25 min. late which is a lot for little tummies to contend with.

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