Tuesday, July 26, 2011


How is it possible this is the first time I can write about this place since starting the blog?

The fact that I forgot to take a picture until half of the pizza is gone should speak to the awesomeness of this pizza

Restaurant name:  Romio's
Food type:  Italian
Category: They should know us by name when we walk in.  No need to look at the menu, we already know what we're having
Location:  Renton, WA
Reason for dining out:  No one (me) wanted to cook... and we all love pizza
Bonus features:  The Guys were excited to take along some hard earned money from a store they have been operating (I call it a trinkets and trash store).  They wanted to put a quarter in their candy machine.  Thing is, they took out the candy machine!  This is a good thing in my book.
Food ordered:  A modified Romio's Special (see below)
Chance of repeat visit:  Absolutely!  It was delicious as always.

The Critic and I got our usual.  We love the Romio's Special, but we ask to take off the mushrooms and black olives and put on roasted red peppers and sundried tomatoes.  The Critic would like to have it named after us and put on the menu.  It could happen!  We ALWAYS get this.  I also like their four-cheese spaghetti, but the pizza really is the best thing there.  Incidentally, we ate here when it was a Cucina Presto and were devastated when it closed along with al(most all) the other Cucina! Cucina!s.  When it was becoming a Romio's The Critic was really excited because he remembered Romio's in his hometown and was hoping it was close to the "original".  It is.  We love it. And it's that pizza place that we can go to as a family and when The Guys are bigger they will tell stories of "our pizza place".  We almost never eat pizza in... with pizza this good and so close to us, there is no point.

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