Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bobs Bugers and Brew

Still on vacation!  (Birch Bay this time)

Restaurant name: Bob's Burgers and Brew
Food type:  Probably "American Gastropub", but I'm not entirely sure...  I think the burgers and brew thing says enough
Category:  We've been, but don't go often
Location:  Birch Bay, WA
Reason for dining out:  Dinner with famished family... Hangry alert!
Bonus features:  The BOO on Pepsi is replaced with a YAY on Diet Dr. Pepper... an appropriate substitute for me.  :-)
Food ordered:  Stuffed Potato with beef/side salad
Items of inspiration: Ummmmm.... No.
Chance of repeat visit: If there aren't any other options readily available.

Not a huge fan here.  The side salad that came with was fine, but that was because they had big cucumber slices that my kids will eat and whole baby carrots.  Staved off the hangry feelings for sure.  Overall, this was just one of those meals where we were all tired and grumpy and just needed to get it done and get to bed. 

That said, I wouldn't order the stuffed potato again.  On the menu, it read like a tasty post hangover meal... beef, grilled onions, swiss cheese, baked potato, all the fixin's like bacon, butter, sour cream, etc... in reality, well, that's what it was... only it was about the size of Mt. Rushmore on top of everything else.  It was simultaneously like eating a brick and not being filled up at all.  Weird.

S'mores and roasted twinkies at the campfire later?  Definite win!

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