Friday, July 8, 2011

Kent Cornucopia Days

See, this is when I don't know how to add things in.  We went, we ate.  I should blog.  Problem?  No pictures... I don't even know the name of the places!  One was an asian place that had a hum bao, some egg rolls, and chicken on a stick.  Good stuff, mostly the chicken.  The other was a bar-be-que place, most likely a version of Famous Daves.  BBQ pork sandwich.  And of course we got Shave Ice... the REAL Hawaiian shave ice thing that comes around to some of these festivals with its little hut that is shaped like shave ice and isn't a snow cone at all.  Good stuff.  If you're in the area, head to Kent Cornucopia Days for some fun and free swag... the food is not bad if you've been walking around for hours and hours. 


  1. There was a BBQ-type place near the Longhorn (between the Longhorn and the scones) that my husband says had THE BEST steak sandwich. May have been pork. I just saw a slab of meat. He got it Medium rare, and raved about it all night. No condiments. I had Hum baos at the place by the stage, and they were pretty tasty. Actually, much better than expected. Plus scones, of course! Z had free popcorn, a free lollipop and a scone. She was still full after our second lunch at Kaiten Sushi (long story, but basically crows stole her first lunch at the park.)

  2. Yes, LM. Forgot about scones. We got a baker's dozen and will eat them for the next few days.
