Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Grill from Impanema

Every time I think that the Guys' food taste is for the birds -- let's be honest, the BIG GUY'S tastes -- I remember that this is one of our favorite spots to frequent.  This is the definition of a treat because it is SO expensive.  Without the kids' pricing and a coupon it could easily cost us $240 a night to eat here.  And I can cook a lot of food with that amount of money. 

Luckily they have a kid's price.  And luckily one or twice a year a Groupon or Living Social deal pops up and I get the max number I can and we enjoy a meal here for a "fraction" of the cost -- which is still nearly $100.  But the food is so so good and we all love it.

First there is the salad buffet where the guys could easily consume their weight in fruit and salami.  I could live and I mean LIVE on the hearts of palm soup which is to die for in my opinion.  I wish I knew what I love about the soup but who cares?  That soup creates happiness in my world every day.  And the mashed potatoes are SO good.  Not so much on the grits -- you can't win them all.

And then the meats come around and you either yay or neigh it with your little red and green card.  In general, it's easier to list what I don't like rather than do.  So for me I pass on the spicy sausage (it just doesn't have a flavor that appeals to me), any meat cooked with provolone (nuff said -- it's becoming more of my nemesis each day), and I'm not partial to the chicken because there are usually bones in it.  Never have liked bones with my meat. 

Favorites?  The parmesan pork ranks up there, as does the rib eye and, oh, most of the steaks. 

And then there is the grilled pineapple!!!  This is my love-hate relationship (same with The Big Guy) because while I could eat my weight in it and not bat an eye my tongue universally disagrees.  Allergy appointments coming up should answer the question of if it is the pineapple, the cinnamon, or both, but it becomes and immobilizing experience for us.  Which is so sad... because it is so good!  Ah well, until we need an epi-pen I suppose we'll suffer in silence. 

Someday I'll post pics but I rarely get them because, let's be honest, I'm always in too much of a hurry to eat at this place.  And the sizes of the portions are tough to photo -- but the good news is you can always get more until your tummy says enough is enough!

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