Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Little Caesar's Pizza

Nothing says Little Caesar's Pizza (Pizza) to me like cheese stuffed crazy bread.  Recently while in Bellingham I found out they don't make it anymore!  Unless it's a special request -- yes, I would be willing to wait.

No one in our area does that... and believe me I looked.  But we have learned to have the go-to $5 carryout pepperoni and/or cheese special.  It certainly makes for an easy and inexpensive dinner that feeds everyone (my waistline must choose to make my own salad/veggies more than eat the pizza).  It's a great choice for a birthday part (cheap) or even to take to my softball games (easier than Subway).

Not too long ago we discovered the deep dish version and, while not as cheap as the carryout special, it is definitely preferred by all members of the family.  I will find that it can be a bit raw sometimes, but somehow that just makes it taste cheesier -- weird.  When we go this route, we usually get a pepperoni and a half cheese, half Hawaiian -- as long as there isn't a ham shortage which there was for a very long time for a while there :-/  Anyway, check it out -- this is good stuff! 

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