Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Serious Pie

On a whim picking The Guys up from camp we decided to try out Serious Pie.  It was a little early for dinner but that turned out to be a good thing.  The Big Guy's quote is pretty spot on...

"It's not bad, but it's not the best pizza either."

At least now I can say I've been here. 

It's ok -- just not best for me and my kids.  The pizza "flavors" didn't really appeal to us and we ended up getting the basic cheese (which The Big Guy wasn't even a fan of the buffalo mozzarella cheese for goodness sake!).  Thankfully it was happy hour so we got a small amount for half price.

Here's something interesting.  The Big Guy opted for a "house made blackberry soda" which the server assured us was incredibly good.  TBG took one single sip and declared "I don't like it" which kind of frustrated me and I thought he was just being, well, himself!  I took a sip and admitted there was an odd flavor I recognized but couldn't quite place.

FIT tried it of course and said it was "pretty good" but after a few sips even he was done with it.  I kept trying to place it and it finally came to me.

Apple cider vinegar.

Once I passed this on to The Guys the FIT said "Who would put apple cider vinegar into their sodas??? That is just Ca-RAZE-ee!!!  I mean... cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo." 

Yep.  Not best for my kids. Their palates are just not that sophisticated yet.  Come to think of it, neither is mine I suppose. 

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