Friday, August 1, 2014


I have a culinary bucket list.  I didn't realize this, but I do.  Among other things on it I would like to eat hand pulled noodles.  I think I finally found a place to do that.  But today was a chance to check off a different type of bucket list item.

I got to be a part of a soft restaurant opening!!! 

Our whole family did and we loved the experience.  How cool to go into a restaurant and get a chance to really experience it -- and feel like what I think actually might make a difference.  It was really cool.

The Critic is friends with The Restauranteur -- who truly is an investor and part owner in a new Kukai restaurant in Northgate.  This is a ramen restaurant and none of us have ever had ramen before -- guess that's another bucket list item?  He asked us to be his guests at the soft opening and we were happy to oblige.  What fun!

Below is most of the pictures of the items we tried and how, in general we felt about them. 

Chicken Kaarage:  Liked by most of us.  Unusual and would definitely order again. 

Chicken wings:  A really unique flavor -- bright lemon that you don't expect from wings.  NICE crispy skin.  Enjoyed by half of us.  I liked them!

Agedashi Tofu:  Several years back The Critic and I vacationed in Grand Cayman and stayed at a place with a Japanese restaurant right downstairs that had the most amazing agedashi tofu and broth.  We ate it every day of our vacation, no joke.  And never tired of it.  The problem with finding a spot like that in the middle of the Caribbean is that you constantly spend your time searching it out and find yourself sadly disappointed.  6 years or so later and I still miss that flavor!  This broth is very close, but the tofu is not "the right consistency".  The Guys were completely unimpressed.  The Critic and I probably wouldn't get this again... the quest continues I suppose.


Vegetable tempura:  Quite tasty, especially when dipped in the agedashi broth.  Not sure what all we were eating but we enjoyed it!  Would probably get it again, though it's no different than any other vegetable tempura we have had before.

A late order and suggestion by The Restauranteur -- Takoyaki Octopus Dumplings.  Neat to try once, but not anyone's favorite, though we all did have a bite.

Bring on the ramen!  I think this was The Big Guy's spicy ramen.  He enjoyed it, which really surprised me.  Most of our experience involved tasting each other's soups.  This was definitely a good one.

I think The Critic got the garlic tonkotsu shoyu ramen, but I can't be certain.  But it was great! 

Low sodium shoyu ramen for FIT.  Also very good and enjoyed by all.

For a different experience, I got the Tsukemen dipping noodles with the thick pork broth base.  I added bean sprouts and upgraded to the pork belly.  This is the one dish I personally wouldn't get again.  The broth had too much of a miso flavor and the noodles ended up sticking together.  I couldn't easily "dip" the noodles and in order to get a different broth I would have had to order a whole new plate.  They tried to mellow the sauce with broth but it was still too miso-y.  Oh well!  You can't win them all!!

All in all a very fun experience, right down to the mochi that The Restauranteur let us try (green tea, no thank you, mango, interesting) and the Drumsticks he gave to The Guys which were as big as their heads.  And of course the fun of mouthwash in the bathroom!  We even saw someone attempt the $30 ramen challenge and got to peek in the kitchen to watch the broth simmering... We'll definitely be back, but not often.  I recently read an article which talked about the fat and sodium levels in traditional ramen.  And let me be clear -- you don't even want to know!

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