Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Crab Pot

This was pretty cool.  Just after going to Serious Pie (thinking we would be on our own all evening) The Critic called saying his friend The Restauranteur wanted to take us to The Crab Pot!  I've never been and was looking forward to having FIT try it out as well.  And thankfully The Big Guy wasn't starving which meant he MIGHT have a good attitude.

The Restauranteur ordered for us so I have no idea what feast we got -- but it was a LOT.  I asked if we could order chicken tenders for The Big Guy -- they were great when they eventually came out but he would have been fine with everything we had.

The big hit for all of us was the crab.  If we went again, I honestly think this might be all we need.  The Critic and I liked the cooked oysters (I had the raw ones as well... not bad... just raw oysters).  FIT even attempted... and failed... a raw oyster.  FIT kept spitting stuff out because "it had a crunch".  He liked the salmon skewers a lot (the rest of us weren't too impressed by them).  He wished he had clam chowder.  I ate the mussels and clams.  The sausage wasn't bad.  The potatoes and corn were obvious fillers and weren't anything to write home about.

It's funny to me how dressed up we got to go to a place that stood likely to stain our hands and everything else red! 

Fun part was that we got a mud pie and a rootbeer float the size of Texas for The Big Guy since it was his birthday tomorrow.  Totally tasty as well.  The rootbeer float could be passed on -- it's HUGE and no one could finish it.  Neat that it was "on the house" -- but really?  Everything was for us.  Which was a pretty special experience.

I've finally been to The Crab Pot!  And guess what?  It's a hit with the whole fam damily. 

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