Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Mizu Southcenter

We enjoyed a night out celebrating The Big Guy who has turned 9, don't even ask me how that is possible.  His dinner choice was "one of those places where they cook the food right in front of you".  We opted for Mizu and I admit I was a bit disappointed that we went for the Southcenter (old) route versus Covington (new)... until we got there.  Best.  Dinner.  Ever.

We started out by trying their agadashi tofu which is the closest we've had yet to the legendary Grand Cayman one.  FIT and I shared a scallops and steak and between the three foods we had more than enough food to go around.  The Big Guy insisted he wanted plain rice and then proceeded to eat half my (our with FIT) fried rice.  

When the show started we were in for the biggest treat.  Because it was The Big Guy's birthday (or because the chef is a rock star... not sure which) he let TBG try and toss and egg!  It was so cool, funny, special... what fun!  Three of the four caught bits of rice in our mouth (poor FIT... he'll get it someday) and TBG just felt like the special guy he is all night.  Mission accomplished.  We also enjoyed an "on the house" dessert.  We all agreed this was the best choice TBG could have made for his birthday dinner.

On the way out we had the added bonus of running into his birthday twin separated by one year.  Great minds think alike and his buddy opted for the same birthday dinner spot.  Which was just super fun to see.  We like that family so much.

Happy Birthday Big Guy!


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